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Research and Consultancy


We have 30 years experience of offering flexible and creative solutions to businesses and NGOs. Everyday, our research team helps organisations to manage risk, get ahead of the curve on sustainability issues, and work with their stakeholders to have real impact.


Working for you

We provide consultancy across the full breadth of ethical consumption concerns:

  • Supply chain audits and partner screenings to help you to minimise organisational risks.
  • Develop and improve ethical policies, to codify and demonstrate your values.
  • Provide research, analysis and advice on consumer markets to understand, reach and campaign with stakeholders to make meaningful interventions and drive positive social and environmental change.

As both a research organisation and publishers of the annual Ethical Consumer UK Markets Report and a consumer-facing magazine, we hold a unique position for researching and analysing ethical markets, ethical consumption trends and corporate behaviour.

Ethical research and consultancy welcome new projects

We can show you what corporate responsibility and consumer campaigning look like from the cutting edge of ethical consumption, providing an unrivalled insight and expertise of best practice in ethical markets and engagement with consumers.

Sometimes organisations will come to us with a problem to solve, but it turns out that an open collaboration with us may be an even better way of driving change. Such campaign partnerships are behind the Fair Tax Mark and Lush Prize.

To find out how we can help your organisation or business, call Alex Crumbie on 0161 226 2929, or email

We're currently welcoming new projects.

More information on some of our research services:

Ethical markets research
Critically engaged, in-depth research is at the heart of what we do at Ethical Consumer, and our team of experienced and highly trained researchers can help you get the information you need to further your goals. We also conduct research across an array of market sectors for the annual Ethical Consumer Markets Report.

Ethical policy development
Enhance your existing policies, or create new ones from the ground up. We can help you to create robust policies that reflect your company’s values and show how you’re putting those values into practice.

Supply chain analysis
Work with us to create robust supply chain management systems, conduct meaningful supplier audits and embed ethics firmly within your supply chain.

Stakeholder engagement
Gauge opinions on a topic and receive input on a new idea. We can help you to engage with customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders.

Event co-ordination
We have over a decade’s experience running events, both our own annual conference and those for clients. Work with us to put on engaging events that put ethics and sustainability into practice.

Campaign partnerships
We work in collaboration with organisations to help them understand, reach and campaign with their stakeholders to make meaningful interventions into consumer markets to drive positive social and environmental change.

Ethical Lifestyle Toolkit & Training 
We have teamed up with the UK Permaculture Association and the International Permaculture Education Network, to develop a toolkit and blended training programme that supports transitions to more ethical living. 

Ethical online business: co-design sessions
Since 2019 we have been increasingly approached by organisations looking to provide ethical options for consumers around the world through their websites. Sessions with our research team can help stress test the ethical selection systems you have in mind.