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How to use the Corporate Research Database

Our unique Corporate Research Database lets you easily search 1000s of companies and find out their ethical and environmental performance. 

In our independent and detailed analysis we investigate what companies are doing across a range of social, environmental, economic and animal welfare categories.

Read on to find out more about how to use the valuable database. 

How the database works

Once you subscribe, you are able to use the search tools to easily search for the records of suppliers, sponsors, contractors and competitors.

  • View corporate structure, ownership data and related brands.
  • View an organisation’s overall ethical rating from 0 to 100.
  • View individual stories with referenced and dated sources for ethical issues relating to a company.

You can search our database in different ways, for example, searching for a company by name, or a particular topic, like palm oil.


1) Company search 

The 'Company Search' function allows you to search for a specific company, organisation or brand. For example, searching for ‘Apple Inc’ will bring up information about the company, along with all the research and analysis Ethical Consumer has conducted relating to this company. 

2) Full list of companies by A to Z

You can also search or browse for companies in our database using our new A to Z full list of companies. 

You can browse by letter or search for a specific company. See screenshot below for an example from 'H'

Screenshot of company search letter H with results
Screenshot from the start of the list of companies beginning with H, using the browse functionality of the A to Z search list of companies.


3) Story Search

Story Search allows you to search for a specific topic or issue. For example, searching for ‘palm oil’ would bring up all stories and analyses relating to palm oil.

You can also find the stories associated with a particular company from their company profile page. For example, here are some of the ethical stories that you will see if you look at Microsoft Corporation:

Screenshot of Microsoft results for story search

Export company data

It is also possible to export company data at the click of a button. This will export a company’s data and create a report which can be saved to your computer as a word file.

Screenshot of Microsoft profile with the export button circled. 

Screenshot of Microsoft company profile with export button highlighted
To find out more our our database, request a free demonstration or to subscribe, please email, or telephone Alex Crumbie or Katalin Csatadi on +44 (0)161 226 2929.