How we score the companies
We have recently updated our scoring system.
Companies have been rated using the new system for the past nine months, but some companies are still rated using the old system.
Regardless of which system is used, all companies and brands now score out of 100.
New system
In the new system, companies and brands start with 0 marks and gain or lose marks depending on their policies and practices.
Each company under the new system is rated on Climate, Workers, Animals, Tax and Company Ethos and several bespoke categories depending on the markets in which they operate. For example, Cotton and Materials categories for companies in the clothing sector, or Conflict Minerals and Tech Sustainability ones for laptop and mobile phone companies.
Each rating includes “external criticism” so we don’t only rely on the companies’ own policies but are able to rate them on their practice as well. This way we can differentiate between those companies that just “talk the talk” and those that “walk the talk”.
Old system
For companies still scored under the old system, the score displays out of 100, but this will be a percentage score based on its raw score out of 15.
In the old system, we used a negative-based scoring system where a company starts with 14 and then gets marks taken away for unethical practices.
Companies can score 1 positive mark under Company Ethos if they commit to certain things (e.g., all products are Fairtrade or vegan) across their whole company group or if they have a positive trading structure (e.g., is a co-operative).
The scoring is based on five criteria: Environment, People, Politics, Animals and Product Sustainability. Under these categories, 19 sub-categories, are divided into 300 topics. See all the categories here.
Transparent and up to date ratings
Ethical Consumer is the only organisation that provides fully transparent rankings of the companies behind the brands.
We rate companies, brands, and products based on the brand owner, known as the ultimate holding company (UHC) and the brand itself. This reflects the fact that the UHC ultimately has power over a subsidiary company's actions.
We are rating companies every day, and scores update every 24 hours.
Subscribers to our research database can see which companies own each brand and their ethical records across all the different categories.
Each story we add to the database affects the company's score for five years. After this period, it remains on the database but no longer impacts the company score.
Information sources
We request information directly from the companies on their climate policies and reporting, and other policies, such as their attitude towards animal testing and to workers in their supply factories. We also look at publicly available information on the companies’ own websites.
Some information comes from previously published sources. These sources include publications and reports by campaign groups like Oxfam, Friends of the Earth and War on Want.
We also look at daily newspapers, public records on pollution and health & safety prosecutions, and use directories on the defence and nuclear industries.
We also request information directly from the companies on their environmental policies and reporting, and other policies, such as their attitude towards animal testing and to workers in their supply factories.
The old ratings categories
Our ratings covered around 300 topics in 19 areas in 5 main categories:
As 'Environment' is a very broad area, we used five different categories:
- Environmental Reporting
- Climate Change
- Pollution & Toxics
- Habitats & Resources
- Palm Oil
Our 'People' category was divided into five areas of research:
- Human Rights
- Workers' Rights
- Supply Chain Management
- Irresponsible Marketing
- Arms & Military Supply
Our research on animals was divided into three main areas:
- Animal Testing
- Factory Farming
- Animal Rights & Cruelty
Our research into a company's politics was divided into five areas:
- Anti-Social Finance
- Boycott Calls
- Controversial Technologies
- Political Activity
- Tax conduct
- Company Ethos (positive mark)